Get the SCSI ID:
xe sr-proble type=lvmohba 2>&1
Grab the id between <SCSIid> and </SCSIid>
Get the XenServer assigned device uuid:
xe sr-probe type=lvmohba device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-<your scsi id>
Introduce the existing SR to XenServer:
xe sr-introduce uuid=<your device uuid> shared=true type=lvmohba name-label="NewSR"
Get your host uuid-s:
xe host-list
Create a PBD for each host in the pool:
xe pbd-create sr-uuid=<your device uuid> device-config:device=/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-<your scsi id> host-uuid=<your host uuid>
Switch the connection on for each host:
xe pbd-plug uuid=<uuid from pbd-create command result>
You should now see the SR enabled in XenCenter and you can rescan it under Storage tab to show all existing virtual disks.
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